Memories of Two Emigrates in London

Memories of Two Emigrates in London


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In September 2014, for the 20th year of the Dance Gallery (dance school in Perugia, Italy, where I studied in 2004), I have realised this video: my gift and homage for their important anniversary.

Shot and edited in a real rush because of a quite close deadline, perfectly knowing the further work I should have done, I decided to share it anyway to show the fun and the memories of those days.

Shot in 3 days in over 25 locations around London, me and Morena (other past student of the school) have gone through some of the theories and the knowledge gained in the years of studies at the Dance Gallery but adding our personal twist.

Director/Video Editor: Andrea Gambadoro

Idea: Morena De Leonardis / Andrea Gambadoro

Dancers: Morena De Leonardis / Andrea Gambadoro

Camera: Andrea Gambadoro / Claudia Gambadoro / Rob Rochette

Thanks to the Dance Gallery, Rita Petrone, Valentina Romito, Roberta Sirchio and all the people we have met there, for the inspiration and long friendship.

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